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Bushnell(博士能(néng))是高(gāo)性能(néng)運動光(guāng)學産品行業(yè)領導者。Designs Midwest作為(wèi)其唯一(yī)的測速槍系列産品供應商,以穩定的質量,優質的服務,完善的物(wù)流供應産品12年(nián)。
Speedster III是一(yī)種高(gāo)精密雷達儀器(qì)。它使用數字技(jì)術(shù)提供瞬時速度測量 精度+ / - 1英裡(lǐ)(英裡(lǐ)每小(xiǎo)時MPH)。Bushnell Vecocity radar gun是一(yī)個(gè)易于使用,瞄準射擊雷達槍,适用于各類體育運動愛好者。
Bushnell is the industry leader in high performance sports optics. Designs Midwest which is the only supplier for speed gun products series, we supplied products 12 years relying on stable quality, exellent service and good logistics.
Vecocity radar gun is a precision speed radar instrument. It uses digital technology to provide instantaneous speed measurements to +/- one mile-per-hour (MPH) accuracy. The Bushnell Vecocity radar gun is an easy to use, point and shoot radar gun for all kinds of sports enthusiasts.
Speedster III是一(yī)種高(gāo)精密雷達儀器(qì)。它使用數字技(jì)術(shù)提供瞬時速度測量 精度+ / - 1英裡(lǐ)(英裡(lǐ)每小(xiǎo)時MPH)。Bushnell Vecocity radar gun是一(yī)個(gè)易于使用,瞄準射擊雷達槍,适用于各類體育運動愛好者。
Bushnell is the industry leader in high performance sports optics. Designs Midwest which is the only supplier for speed gun products series, we supplied products 12 years relying on stable quality, exellent service and good logistics.
Vecocity radar gun is a precision speed radar instrument. It uses digital technology to provide instantaneous speed measurements to +/- one mile-per-hour (MPH) accuracy. The Bushnell Vecocity radar gun is an easy to use, point and shoot radar gun for all kinds of sports enthusiasts.